Flating on my back as i move around in the zero-g of the void, using my suit's thrustsers, slowly working on the void, to remove it, as a particle cloud nears the orbit. The cosmic energy of the stars bouncing right off me, filling my bdy with energy, as i work in empty space. Ears twitch and the ear-pieces of my suit move with them. My suit holds me and alows me to recover from a fall from the void as i over-do a portion of the sky, free-falling, but returning to the void, to continue my duty. The void does not scare me, it intrigues me, but i know that it leaves my home vulnerable, to the harshness of that which is space. I see the Orbital station, in the proper place where the true border of space and air exists. I soon finish my job, slowly lowering down, before I stop... and fly back up with my suit, and to the Platform... I found my home. Space. A very moving work of music, this is, and i did feel a bit of a 'world' created within my mind as i listened. it happens with most music i listen to, that has a sed of creaton in it, as alot of your work does.